Print this off and keep it. Review and update it regularly!

These suggestions for being happy are from various sources. I believe that doing something different or extra will help.  

Please spend some time working through it and – if you can – discussing possibilities with someone supportive: friend, family, counsellor, colleague, cat, dog.

Before you tick the NEVER box, think carefully whether that could be a MAYBE.  Or even a YES.  I know depression causes so many mental and physical problems.  I know because I have lived through it.  But I also know that choosing just ONE of these and giving it a chance will give your brain something new to focus on.

They are in no particular order.  All my life, I thought I could not paint, people laughed at my sense of colour, “Are you colour blind?!”  Invited to a group painting session, I loved it and went again and again because the right teacher always “makes anybody feel like a somebody”.

I don’t like dogs.  I dislike them for so many reasons, someone (me!) should really have said “Don’t marry her!  She likes dogs.  You will never survive.”  I didn’t.  So, don’t try things you know, deep down, will not work. 

Finally, don’t beat yourself up about the things that you’d like to do but know you realistically can’t.  Just tick the right box and move on.

This works.  Give it a try.  Just try one new thing.  See what happens.

Things to try



YES !!

Successful 1 – 10

(Add anything else you think of)


(Try one!)

(Tried this!)

(How well did it work?)


Work to develop friendships


Work to improve family relationships


Join a club


Do regular physical activity


Do daily mental activity


Follow your religion


Be kind to yourself


Be generous to yourself


Monitor your health


Be actively kind to others


Spend time in nature


Socialise with colleagues


Keep learning new skills and knowledge


Focus on other people’s happiness




Marry / Commit to a relationship


Don’t actively seek happiness


Be generous to others


Set yourself manageable goals


Enjoy everything


Get regular and enough sleep


Set up a regular savings plan


Stop feeling guilty or to blame


Accept yourself as you are


Seek challenges


Make sure you have safe surroundings


Laugh as often as you can


Get good health insurance


Seek a purpose in life


Keep a list of things you are grateful for


Optimise your bedroom for sleep


Seek a way of life that fits you


Avoid long commutes


Keep out of debt


Seek a job that fits you


Train to have a positive attitude


Recognise your strengths


Invest in experiences


Opt for a house that fits you


Keep a positive experiences journal


Take holidays that you really enjoy


Choose to live near family


Find at least one happy new friend


Get a garden or work in someone else’s


Live in an environment of trust


Develop skills for happiness


Read books


Invest in things that will last


Limit your work hours


Develop social media skills


Develop face-to-face social skills


Join a public speaking club


Live in a “bubble” day-to-day


Eat healthy


Get a pet


Join a walking group


Develop arts appreciation


Take a painting course


Take up meditation


Create a “meditation” space


Monitor your happiness


Take professional advice on lifestyle


Monitor your health


Write a personal mission statement / mantra


Give money regularly to charity


Get plenty of sunlight


Get fresh air and a short walk every day


Become known in a gym or coffee bar


Go to church regularly


Practise yoga


Go swimming


Spend time in a sauna or steam room


Spend time with children




Go self-employed


Become a vegetarian


Become a vegan


Don’t monitor the news


Own your own home


Move out of the city


Remove negative people from your circle


Recognise the value of your free time


Make your own food


Work part-time or flexibly


Drink lots and lots of water


Take control of your medication


Limit how much you watch TV


Take responsibility for your own happiness


Spend a careful amount of time with screens


Get an anthem, something that works for you, play it non-stop

