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This site was created by the volunteers who moderate the 40,000+ member Facebook Group Cymbalta® Hurts Worse. Over the last decade, they have guided tens of thousands of people through a hyperbolic Gradual Taper to minimize withdrawal effects. Because of the unique manner Duloxetine/Cymbalta® changes brain chemistry, the typical recommendations by doctors of going cold-turkey or skipping doses only cause horrible withdrawal symptoms.
Use the menu to find materials to assist you in quitting Cymbalta/duloxetine and reducing or eliminating the side effects.
THIS SITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. We do not employ doctors or certified health professionals. Never start, stop, or change the dosage of any prescribed medication without consultation with your medical provider. The material presented here is the result of years of refining the Gradual Taper method of Cymbalta®/duloxetine cessation while operating the Facebook group Cymbalta Hurts Worse (CHW) with 40,000+ members and hundreds of thousands of posts. The Gradual Taper methodology employing hyperbolic dosage reductions is based on the work of noted professionals as listed in our Authorities page and the result of the documented experiences of many CHW members over a decade as they attempted to minimize the horrific effects of discontinuing Cymbalta/duloxetine.
Copyrights are the property of their respective owners.