I followed the plan of tapering as set forth by this group and was one of the lucky ones I guess because I did not have any withdrawal symptoms.
That said, I had to take a very careful look at why I was taking the medication and immerse myself into a plan that would help me to deal with those symptoms and not just detox and leave myself with nothing.
I took the drug for pain and so I interviewed PTs until I found the perfect fit and started therapy before I started detoxing. I also interviewed and found a therapist that was a good fit for me and we spoke several times a week initially and then tapering off to weekly visits. She was fabulous about my scheduling issues and after I was established, we did TeleMed visits. For me, addressing the initial cause for seeking out this medication and providing ongoing support were critical to my taper.
I want to be very candid about the lack of support I received from the medical community. My physician refused to assist me and so I began the taper and just continue to refill my prescriptions each month. It took a long time to completely detox, but once I was done , I simply had her assistant delete it from my list of medication‘s.
Many people have shared their stories in this group, and if you look through them, you will find that many people who spoke openly with their physicians about detoxing, were also not supported, and many of them were simply cut off with no additional prescriptions. Above all, you do not want that to happen to you.
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part. Once I had completed my taper, and I no longer needed the prescriptions, I fired my physician.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that ever posted a question in this group, anyone that has offered support to another, the admins for all of their knowledge. I took my very last bead a few days ago and have been filled with nothing but gratitude for being given the tools to successfully come off of this medication as comfortably as possible.
When I started this journey, I was in 60mg and desperately wanted my life back from C. I followed the advice of a psychiatrist that dramatically reduced my dose from 60mg to 40mg, a few weeks later to 30mg, and then another reduction a few weeks later where they told me take 20mg every other day for two weeks. Eventually I was told to just stop taking C all together. I started experiencing debilitating withdrawal symptoms and was running out of hope to ever feel like myself again, until I found this group.
I followed the advice of the admins and started tapering from 20mg February of 2022 and I am finally FREE! I never thought I would see the end of counting beads, I couldn’t imagine getting to this point. Finally after almost three years, I’ve reached the finish line. It is possible! If you’re struggling to start, if you’re not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m just here to remind you to keep going! One step at a time. If I can do this, so can you! Much love to you all and I hope you have a fantastic holiday season. Thank you for everything.
Just wanted to post in here my success story!! I followed the bead counting method and it took me 2 years and 1 month to taper completely but as of January 16th I took my last bead and I feel amazing!! No withdrawal symptoms, no bad side effects. I feel like me again (I also got off birth control around the same time so it could be due to that also) but please be encouraged that this method works and there’s hope and freedom on the other side!!!
If you decide that you are going to follow the recommendation of the mods, which I highly recommend, tell your doctor you changed your mind about stopping the med and ask them to put you back on it. That way you can do a proper, and safe taper. I delayed starting my taper for over a year. I am now over a year into tapering the way this group recommends, and am doing well. My cousin and husband are also tapering as recommended by this group and they too are doing well.
Wanted to pop in and give encouragement to all of you tapering from this or helping a loved one through it. The slow taper is worth it. I’m so grateful for the help of this group. I may owe my life to you all and to this process. I’ve been off of c¥m8@1t@ for over a year now, and I promise everything gets better! Hang in there. You are important, and there is light ahead✨❤️
I never thought I’d make it to this post! But I’ve been tapering off of 60mg since January of 2019, which I was on for at least 5 years. And tonight… I FINALLY took my last bead of cymbalta. Been a long journey and never would have happened without this group 🥰 In comparison my taper wasn’t terrible. Moodiness/anger and headaches were my sign it was time to hold a taper. Slow and steady was the theme. I can honestly say I’m in a good place mentally and physically. I’m happy and healthy. Was able to lose 30 pounds finally and have kept it off for a year now, something I couldn’t do on cymbalta or even early in my taper journey.
You can do it too. Listen to the people in this group, read the files, and TRUST the process. Have patience. It works
Please try to remember that members who are hurting & struggling the most are who post the most needing assistance from admin. Moderators say all the time that we don’t hear from those who are working successfully at their tapers & not needing help. We all use this group in different ways, myself included. I am at 25 beads (3.7mg) – I choose to follow the group and try to help out with questions while I taper. Some members don’t interact at all, and just quietly work through the bumps of tapering, and may even “mute” the group. It can be overwhelming at times seeing all the pain members are in caused by this drug & others. My opinion – there’s so much more positive coming from this group than we truly realize.
Agreed… ty moderators👍 At one point I was in denial of the difficulty associated w quitting this drug. A fast taper taught me that … but moderators got me back on track w a suggested schedule to re – instate and slow taper … down to 19 beads … slow and steady wins the race
I listened to admin and did 3% drop every 2 weeks / I am down to 32 beads from 60 mg
Don’t worry about how long it takes. Find the rate of decrease that your body can function with and go with that. I’ve been at it 5 years and have another one to go… I don’t care. I’m active and have only minor withdrawals a few days a month. Be good to yourself. There’s no prize for a quick taper.
I was on the same dose, it took me a couple years, but it was completely worth it. Stay the course you got this.
At one point in time, before I started the slow taper, I thought – NO WAY – I can’t do it that slowly – and I’d try to drop faster wanting to get off the terrible med. Continually failed, until I stabilized and then began the slow journey toward freedom. It took me 4 years – and then 8 months to finally be free of the pain. I just want to say to you – it is not an easy journey, but you can do it.
Hello all,
I just wanted to announce that I am finally on one bead ! What a feeling!! I know I am not done yet, but it’s been over 2 years since I’ve been put on C, and the side effects were insane!! Thank you Maria Pastoor for encouraging me to drop. I am on day 2 at one bead and no withdrawal symptoms ! I still feel the fatigue and the brain fog but nothing debilitating !! Can’t wait to get off of this poison !! Wishing you all the best in your tapering and recovery ! Sending positive thoughts and a big thank you to the amazing admins !
I’m in my fourth and hopefully final year of my taper off 60 mg. I’ve stuck to the max 5% drops every two weeks and held longer when traveling or when needed. The protocol put forth here has worked amazingly for me. I’m down to 20 microbeads and hopeful I won’t have any withdrawals in my final stretch. The amount of time necessary to taper is / was overwhelming but I stuck with it. And, you can do the same – it’s worth not having any withdrawals. You got this!
I’ve been going slow for years now and now down to 3 beads from 60mg.
I could not do 5%, I found out right away that was too much for me. I went to 2% and gradually worked myself up to 4% which worked best for me. About 18 months into my taper I tried 5% and did well. I tapered from 120mg in 2-1/2 years.
After a little over 3 years I have finally taken my last bead today. I followed this groups’ recommendations by decreasing 5% every 14 days. I printed the spreadsheet, counted the 3 capsules and worked out my starting point which was 1042 beads. I was on 120mg daily for 6 years. I was prepared to go slower, always listening to the feeling in my body but the last few beads have been a bit hard. Brain fog / concentration is so much better now, I haven’t lost the 40kg I put on but hopefully the weight loss will start now. I have been in this group for over 5 years reading all the advice, reading all your comments, constantly praying for all of us. Thank you to Toni for starting this group and to all the admins & moderators who continue this group to help so many of us. I feel very proud I’ve reached the end. The best advice is do not tell your doctors you’re going to taper. This drug needs to be banned but unfortunately doctors think it’s a miracle drug. To the people here who haven’t started tapering yet, I understand you’re petrified but once you start you’ll be motivated to keep going. To the people still tapering, congratulations keep going, the end is so near and you should be very proud. Love to you all ❤️
9 months off here! I feel good! Tapering was one of the most difficult journeys in my life. Worth it though. I finally have no lingering symptoms. They didn’t go away right after the last bead, it took months before the major emotional swings subsided.
I am finally feeling like myself again.
One year today I won the battle with Cymbalta!! This legitimately is the worst drug on the planet!! It took me 10 years of compounding but I finally got there 🥊 If I can make it you’ll can make it stay strong life will get better ❤️🩹
A miracle happened last week when I saw my Doctor. He took my hand, looked at me and told me he was sorry for the harm these drugs (du crud & Ly tic crud) have caused my body. It meant the world to me! There is hope!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted, so I wanted to give an update. It’s been 6 months and one week since my last bead. I lost about 15 pounds right away, and then stalled. And I’ve been hovering at 25 pounds down, for about a month. I’m definitely not happy, that it’s not coming off more quickly. But considering that I gained over 75, I’m still celebrating the win, and I’ll keep on going. From January to about March/April, I was still battling occasional brain zaps, and VERY high anxiety levels, including adrenal surges, and very high blood pressure. My blood pressure is still slightly high, which I’m on medication for. The anxiety is still present sometimes, but not nearly as bad as it was. And the heart palpitations have stopped, except for an occasional episode, during an anxiety attack. The brain zaps are completely gone. HOWEVER. I still feel a million times better than when I taking C. I didn’t think everything would magically disappear, just because I stopped taking it. I had a feeling that it would still be a bit of a battle. And it is. But it’s ok. Every pound lost, every day without a zap, or an anxiety episode, is a win. And every day without taking it, makes me feel better and better. I’m on the road to being completely back to myself. Yes, I still have some physical stuff, and the anxiety sucks. But my mental state is a million times better. Does it happen this way for everyone? No. Every journey is different. But keep fighting, friends. I promise you that better days are coming, even if they take a little longer than expected. You WILL get there. Just hang on. Sending love to everyone. 💜
[posted 2023/06] On August 28th, 2019, I embarked on my journey to taper off of a very high dose of Cymbalta. Painstaking, frustrating, but so worth it. I’m happy to say today is my last bead. I have found that today more than ever we need to be our own advocates and knowledgeable about our healthcare. Especially our mental health. Thank you to this group and others like it for showing me the way. It can be done!
I’ve been off for 7 years. While I did taper and followed the advice of this group, in hindsight I went faster than I probably should have. I feel I have permanent effects that I can’t prove are related. Life goes on. I miss Toni as she was a source of inspiration and a virtual friend when I needed support. One of my favorite quotes that I shared with her..
“I love when people who have gone through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those who are still consumed by the fire”.
I cannot believe I am saying this, but I just took my last bead of poison! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. There is no way I would’ve made it without this group!!! I feel so empowered that I trudged through slow and steady. Most of the time, I wasn’t able to drop the full 5%. Part of the time it was only 2% or 3%, but it was still a drop. Now, the withdrawals may kick my hiney for a few days, I don’t know, but I will prevail!!!! I started this safe taper a couple years after I had dropped from 60mg to 30mg in about three months. I didn’t know any better. I suffered for it. Was very s****idal. Thought I was gonna lose my mind!!!! I didn’t see how I could ever be free from it. Thankfully, one of my daughters found this group for me. I appreciate all the encouragement and advise! If you think you can’t, let me assure you that you can! God Bless you all!!!!
14 months off. Blood pressure dropped and weight dropped. I had gained way over 100 pounds. I was always thin! No more profuse sweating. All I did was taper off of C. My doctor wouldn’t allow me to taper and so I found a doctor who would help me to do it safely. I just want to offer a little hope. This group was so helpful to me as I was confused by the symptoms and side effects my doctor told me were not real after over a year on C. You all got this.
I gave the admins of this group the whole power of helping me get off. Your group was knowledgeable and fast to help me to ween off this drug without horrible withdrawals. I listened to what the moderators and did what they suggested…..I had many questions and I can’t thank you enough. I tell people all the time to listen to your advice. And NOT TO DO IT ALONE
My one year off will be the end of this coming Aug!! I’m doing good and no side effects after. I’m glad it’s over. So if you are wondering you can do this and you are going to be alright!!
9 months since my last bead. Still have some health issues that I feel are related to C (but can’t prove).
Yes getting used to more normal life again 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
It took me 5 years of tapering to get off. I went too fast at first so I had several bouts of holding…
Well!! Peeps, today is it..what a journey!! 5 years of tapering off this poison. Not without many obstacles but I feel free!! Stay the course and listen to your body! I’m dealing with lots of anxiety but working through it. I’m so thankful for this group, the moderators and you incredible people walking this journey. I will be an advocate making sure people understand this drug and effects. Lots of love
I got on this poison on my 32nd Birthday and Today is my 48th and after 3.5 years of tapering,
I have a long journey yet but hit a milestone of breaking the 100 bead mark. I’m at 99!! I’ll keep plugging along and hope my taper continues to be uneventful. Best wishes to everyone on their journey! Glad to have a supportive, understanding group traveling with me.
May I just say I must share the heartfelt feeling that overcomes me every time I see a post in our group and the moderators are so quick to answer each and every one of them and if you notice new posts new people come in every day and the moderators are right on them and they’re there to answer questions and help anyone. I just want to say this has been the most supportive group of people I have ever known or met through social media that I feel so connected to and actually cared for. So I just wanted to send a big shout out to all you moderators and to all of you supporters and all of you who are going through this journey. I commend you all for being a part of this group and for being vigilant and kind to everybody. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Last bead, last week. In 7 days I will end my taper process that I started in October 2020. 2.5 years later I will be able to leave C**** behind. It has been a process full of different moments, some of them very complicated, but did I also have fabulous ones.
In these almost free of medication moments, I coud tell I feel overall okay. I have days and times of huge anxiety, fears, sadness. But I am proud to be able to feel them, live with them and continue walking.
For all of you who are in the process of tapering, or considering starting the process, I want to tell you the following: be VERY patient. Haste is the worst enemy. Listen to your body, be patient and trust that you will be able to do it.
Last but not least, I didn’t want to finish this post without first thanking all the moderators and people who run and make it possible for this to work, thanks a million for the enormous support you offer to thousands of people. Also, thank the members of the community who have offered support at all times. A big big hug! ❤️❤️ — feeling happy.
Today is the day!
I started taking this s#!+ around 2010 and was at 60mg. I have been tapering for close to three years. It’s been a slow and painful journey.
I am so grateful for this group and the mods/creators who maintain it. It was here I learned about slow tapering. This group saved my life! I feel more like my old self every day.
For those that are struggling or starting, read the pinned posts. Take in as much information as you can before starting. Listen to your body, and go slowly with no less than 2-3 weeks between drops, longer as you get to the end. You can do it!!!!!
I can’t believe this group exists!! I thought I was alone in how Cymbalta impacted me. It was a horrible ride. I had no idea this is such a problem for so many. It’s the only time I’ve ever had a serious problem with meds. I wish others didn’t have to suffer like I did, but it’s also kind of validating that I’m not alone.
Down to 1 bead!! I never thought I would get here. Thank you so much for this group it is literally a lifesaver
I am finally free if this hell drug. After tapering and weaning off for what feels like forever, I officially been off Duloxetine for a whole week. I have been trapped by this drug for over ten years and finally I have broken free! Couldn’t have done it without my partner who has sat every night and counted beads/weighed each pill slowly decreasing the dosage.
I have been tapering for about 6 months or so now and I want to share a message.
With a heart filled with gratitude, I write to this group. There was a time when life’s challenges felt insurmountable, but through the collective wisdom and support of this remarkable group, I found my path to light. In the echoes of my own transformation, I know that if the seeds of change can take root within me, they can flourish in each of you as well. Let my experience be a testament that even amidst the darkest storms, the sun can rise again. Thank you for being the guiding stars that illuminated my path. Let us walk hand in hand, supporting and inspiring one another, for together, we forge strength and resilience.
A special thanks to Anita Krukas for being so helpful when I first joined this group
The day is here. I never thought I would be here writing this post 🥹 I’ve watched others over the last 2 years post this and have been so happy and proud of them and this day to me always seemed so far away…… but here I am! One little bead, one little pill 🥹 Just know to those of you that were me 2 years ago….. YOU will get here and you will be free from this poison one day. It’s not been fun or easy but I put my head down and put the hard work in. This has been truly one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and when I started I was in the darkest place I have ever been. So when you feel like giving up keep fighting and doing the work because I promise you are worth it!!! I also would not be here without the support of the admins and this group so thank you to all of you. Keep fighting and doing the work because it’s worth it and so are you
After a little over 2 years, I’ve finally made it to under 100 beads! Looking forward to a future without this thorn in my side!
I wanted to briefly update and encourage you all. I’ve been tapering very slowly following all of the recommendations given in this group and I am at 5 beads now. I can’t say I’m back to myself again. My memory is affected, but there may be other reasons for that. I’m still carrying a lot of extra weight but I’m doing some things to get back into a healthy routine. It’s so tempting to just stop cold turkey now but I know from reading the research here that this is the time for me to stick to my slow drops in dosage and take it even slower if needed. I just want you all to hear it from another person who is in your boat. Follow the SLOW TAPER method. I regret the large jumps I made before I knew I needed to keep my drops at 5% or lower and hold them a couple of weeks.
…four years ago, … I was so discouraged. But I’ve felt better and better every month since then.
I would just like to thank the admin of this group for all of their kindness, insight, and support. They volunteer their time to help all of us and I appreciate them more than they will ever know. They do not claim to know all the answers but steer us where to find them. If they aren’t sure about a subject they will say they aren’t and to let’s see what other members say. … I just want the admins to know you are appreciated by me and so many others. You have all been great in my journey and I couldn’t do this without you and the positive support from other members. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart
16 years on this medication, and 3.5 years of tapering. I’ve been off for 3 months now and doing well. I do have to take natural supplements for my anxiety but besides that, I’m good 😊 This group saved my life and made me stop feeling like I was crazy and the best part was I learned to advocate for myself.
I tapered for 4 years and 3 months from 80 mgs. I’ve been C-free since June and feel like my old self. The only thing I occasionally notice is some ear ringing, especially when I’m tired. But it is minimal compared to what I endured while tapering.
Don’t be discouraged. It really does get better. I was on C for about 14 years including just over 2 years tapering. As I neared the end I felt more and more like my old self. I have been off just over a year and am so glad to be free of it! I do still have some insomnia and tremors that I believe are C related. Unfortunately years before finding this group I followed provider instruction to drop from 60 to my original 30 mg all at once. It was after that when insomnia started.
The best advice is to listen to your body. Everyone has a different experience. Take your time between drops so you have minimal symptoms.
Dear 2-years-ago me,
Just wanted to let you know that all of the 36 kilos (almost 80 pounds) you gained with Cymbalta, were gone after you’ve stopped taking it. They came off even faster than you gained them! Your average heart rate is back to normal, high blood pressure, sweating and panting, anxiety attacks – are all gone. Blood tests are back being normal. You are also not suffering from the heat like you did back then.
Pain is still here, but you have learned to manage it. After not being able to walk or stand put for more than a few minutes due to pain, you now walk 10,000 steps a day and sleep relatively okay most nights. You still can’t do sports or drive far, but you can concentrate enough to work part time from home and support yourself and your dog.
Coming off was very painful, but you have learned many good things about yourself – mainly how sensitive and strong you are.
So, dear past me, and everyone around who are still dependent on Cymbalta: first of all, it’s OK you guys. Secondly, side effects are reversible. No matter how horrible if is right now, it *can* be different. Coming off of this drug isn’t easy, but it is very worth it.
Shana Tova everyone may we all have a good year.
Congrats to you!! You should be so proud of yourself. I just finished several weeks ago and still feeling good. You can do hard things and this is proof!!
Didn’t get a picture, but I took my last bead last night. Started tapering off 60mg in November 2020. So, it’s been almost 3 years. Beads 16-14 and 10-8 were tough. Lots of anxiety and insomnia. Finally, I’m free!!!
One. Single. Bead. Hallelujah!!! I’m not sure how long I’ll stay on just one. Recommendations and advice are appreciated. December will be three years. My goal is to be finished by 12/30/23 if at all possible, so that would be 10 weeks on one bead. Whew.
I just wanted to offer everyone here some words of encouragement. My daughter has been tapering for a year and half. 5% every 2 weeks and it’s going well. She still has some nausea but she is functioning, going to school full time, playing volleyball and enjoying life. This is doable if you follow the advice given on this page. Just to give you an idea, it took one year to go from 60mg to 20mg and it’s take 6 months to go from 20mg to 10mg. Its a marathon not a race but things are getting better at the lower doses. I only look a couple months ahead at a time. I sit down once a month and make her pills for the month. I know that it will take 6 months to go from 10mg to 5mg so that is the only goal right now. Sometime in the Spring we will be at 5mg. I find it’s best to just have short term goals and not think about the end point. Hope this helps. Hang in there. Stick with it. Every little drop makes things better. ❤️
Two years, 7 months, 2 weeks, and one day of weaning. About to take my last dose of this nightmare. I’m 17 pounds down, and feeling better every day. To the entire admin/mod team: THANK YOU!!! Y’all literally saved my life. And there are no words, that can express my gratitude. I could never have done this without you. To everyone else: your time is coming. Don’t quit, even on your hardest day. I promise it gets better! Love to all. ♥️
I’ve been tapering for officially a year now and over half way through. I haven’t been coping too bad, so really hoping the next year is just as easy. 🤞🏻
February 2020 I started my taper from 60 mg. Took my final bead last night. If I had not found this group, I would still be on C. I, like all of you, was left with withdrawals when trying to come off. We need to be forever grateful that this group exists. Please don’t let fear keep you from starting or continuing your taper I was scared too. I only had a few withdrawal symptoms along the way and have already lost 15 pounds and hope that will continue. Good Luck to everyone, hang in there no matter how long it takes!!!
I’m so glad I joined this group. Thank you for all your posts, I’ve made up my mind about NOT taking this drug after everything I’ve read. I did my research and come to the conclusion that I will put up with what I’ve had for 30 years, Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I’ve tried other drugs in the past and they didn’t work ether. Your posts have been very helpful, thank you.
This group is what is keeping me going. Often Hanging On by a thread I feel. Deep despair, anger, out of sorts, etc. Thank you for this group! The Admins/Mods are fantastic!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You all! Truly! I want to feel better. This is truly difficult. Hugs everyone. I care.
It is almost 1 year since I found this group and my life has turned around 180 degrees. This time last year, I was the sickest I have ever been, with no answers. I was repeatedly at the doctor’s with what we all recognize here as severe withdrawal symptoms (but doctors kept missing). I was in daily pain from my knees and trying to work full-time as a teacher. I was beyond sick with no explanation.
Now: I am happy, NO withdrawal issues, stable on 60 beads, tapering slowly and safely. I retired early out of necessity and got a flexible part-time online job that I love. I have two new knees and I am recovering well from surgery. Life is so different and I was struck by immense gratitude this morning as I thought about how different reality is now from 1 year ago, thanks entirely to this group.
I still have a long way to go as the taper slows down but I’m committed to doing it the proper way as I recognize now how crucial it is to follow the guidelines down to the last bead.
THANK YOU for turning my life around. I couldn’t be happier (unless it was last bead day!)The work you do here is changing lives and I couldn’t be more grateful. For others needing encouragement, please know that it can get better even while tapering! I have my life back.
I wanted to share… I took my last pill 7 days ago. I was super worried about how I would feel after the last pill, but I have had no problems at all.
I know when you come to this page you see a lot of people with questions and problems.
Just know…. there are people who are successfully tapering off who don’t post or comment. I only posted in the early days when things were hard and I needed support.
You all got this! Just keep going slow.
Down to 10 beads and boy have I regained the ability to feel emotions. I’ve cried more the last week than I have in 15 years. I’m doing a very slow taper. Been tapering almost 3 years now from 60mg
My doctor put me on 20 mg C. I’m only on day 2 but after reading this group, that’s a wrap. I’m thankful for this group and would rather know what I’m getting myself into even though after day 2 I’m already feeling relief 😢 Have you all found gbptn causes same issues? I tried it before but it didn’t work well for me. I was so excited about this drug! I need something extremely soon. TIA
Hello everyone yesterday was awesome I haven’t felt this good in years I almost felt like my old self don’t feel too bad today neither I only want those windows permanently wishing you all well too☺️
Took my LAST dose today! 🙏💃🏻🙏 Beyond thankful for this group and all of its participants. Best advice is to just start, hold when you need to, and take things one day at a time. It took me about two years of using the weighing method and I highly recommend it if you’re struggling with counting beads (I absolutely could not figure out a good way for me). I know the weighing method is less popular- so if anyone has questions, I’d be happy to share my techniques!
Wishing you all the best! 💕
Just want to say a big thank you to this group, for making it possible for me to finally get off of C after spending 10 years of my life on it. The resources prepared me to advocate for myself with Drs and family, which was invaluable. I can only recommend to others that are unsure of what to do, to take the group’s guidance. All the best to everyone.
Well, the day finally came!
After 10 years being on this drug plus 6 years tapering off I took the last bead 4 weeks ago and survived to tell the tale. There were some withdrawals even at 1 bead, major anxiety, brain fog, aches and pains etc but as the month progressed they have become less and I am satisfied I am done. Thank you to the moderators of the group and members for their support, my doctor for his encouragement and my daughter who went through this before me and backed me all the way to the end. Now if only I could stop the craving for sugar and lose the 50lb this poison has gifted me I would be very happy. Slow and steady wins this race, accept the good days and the bad. Reinstate if necessary and don’t give up, you will get there in the end. 😀
This is it friends .Tail end of a 26 month taper closely following this group’s suggestions and feedback in times of need. My journey was relatively uneventful in terms of withdrawal symptoms and / or residual side effects. I would say headaches, temperature sensitivity and 1st year occasional bouts of anxiety were worth reporting. Not strong enough to impact titration schedule (5%, 2 weeks throughout). As a sidenote I used a 30mg prescription only for a short 3 years, previous attempts to stop had failed miserably.
Hi. I wanted to check in because I’m having a great taper!! I’m a newbie in week 10, I started at 20 mg and I’m tapering by 5% every two weeks. I’m feeling better and happier than I have in the 10 years on C. I’m only concerned because I see people say that they have to reduce by only 1 bead and hold for longer times at the lower doses.
Today was the day.
My anxiety levels are higher, and the related spectrum of highs/lows is incredibly vast – I’m almost embarrassed of how far my mood can swing in a single day. But I’m still managing to do well at work, and I feel like my “tell” where I’ll know that I have to count out some beads to go back on C will be if I’m unable to work, or do basic daily tasks. And, I have loads of C if I need to go back on. But tomorrow will be the first day I try not to, in more than 10 years❗️
I’m scared of what may come next, but tbh more excited than scared. I quit my benzo in 2020, I quit alcohol in 2022, and now this. Looking forward to being reintroduced to my brain in its most “natural” or untouched state. Then, figuring it out from there 🤷🏼♂️
Never would’ve gotten here without this group! Seriously. Thank you. And best of luck to everyone. Go S L O W, try to accept the (hopefully temporary) discomfort with the knowledge that it will, be brave, and be proud of yourself for doing even the smallest things. They add up to greatness.
Hi All,
I just wanted to happily let you know that I finished my 2,5 years long taper on 1 January, 2023. Now it is 29 January 2024 and my dream came true, my beautiful little baby boy was born a few weeks ago, he is the reason of my taper. Take care and have a nice day.
Celebrating 3 years today since I started my taper! I always thought it was so appropriate that this anniversary was on Groundhog’s Day. 😂 When I started, I was taking two pills, to equal 90mgs. I am now down to 37.5mgs! Just pushing on through, one day at a time. Less and less poison in my veins.
The biggest piece of advice that I can give to anyone starting, especially if you’re panicking, is to divide this into two parts. The first is to go through your pills and get the average bead count (according to the group’s instructions) and start by just taking those pills that you have evened the amounts of beads in BEFORE you do your first drop. Stabilize with those pills, first, for a month, and you’ll probably be shocked at how much better you will already feel. (And angry at big pharma for having such careless quality control.) Everything else is part two.
If I had to do it over again, that’s what I would have done. Because once we re-started and did that, everything changed. It really makes for a much smoother start and transition. So many people come here, myself included, with an overwhelming amount of anxiety and symptoms, scared, not knowing what to do or if they can do it. I think if I had realized that I was feeling like this because the capsules are not evenly balanced in the first place, I may have found some comfort in knowing that as soon as we balance them, a lot of the problems should calm down. It just makes sense. If you can help someone who is holding on by a thread (like I was) to just get to that point… explain about the uneven beads bouncing your brain around like a tennis ball… then tell them not to worry about tapering yet… that’s step two. The first drop and everything that comes after, is the second part, that comes later. For now, don’t think about the time it would take, or calculating the drops or whatever, just do yourself the favor of stabilizing at the dosage you are at. Then later, when you are feeling better, let THAT you handle the decision to taper and calculating everything and starting the first drop. I know it feels devastating to hear, for the first time, about safe tapering and how long it takes. It’s a LOT to try to take in all at once. And most people who come here out of desperation are usually not in the mental space to deal with all that at the moment. So maybe it would help to just help them onto the first step. All they want is to feel better. So just focus on that part, the first stabilization.
Hopefully, hearing that can possibly help someone else. It really feels like it was just last month. I forget to let myself realize how far I’ve come. Acknowledging these milestones and giving myself some credit for having gone through all of this, and survived, is so important. I would encourage everyone to check in occasionally, especially those with positive reports, but also, just for your mental health. It helps when we’re out here just surviving. ✌️
My husband has been on this stupid med for 6 years and is tapering off.
By year 3 of being on 60mg, he developed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 hypertension, extremely high cholesterol, when he was perfectly healthy before! We tried to talk to his med manager about it all and she basically treated us like idiots. So, about halfway through his taper, almost all his liver labs returned to normal and so has his blood pressure and cholesterol!!!
He was on 3 different BP meds at 40 years old and I was so terrified he was going to stroke out,
This drug is poison. Can’t believe they just stick people on it with no warning it can kill you and take off so many years of your life. He also developed tremors. Those aren’t going away yet but hopefully they will. His memory went to crap. It was horrifying and affecting his job! He’s been getting better.
Can’t wait for him to get off the rest of it.
That’s all. That’s my post. I’m disgusted.
Instead of investigating why his health went to hell in such a short amount of time, they just stuck him on more meds and lectured him about his exercise and diet. He eats better and less than I do, and fasts, but gained 40 lbs in like 2 years.
If you are reading this and they are trying to put you on this drug, think twice. It’s literally poison and should be investigated.
Counted up 14 more weeks of beads with 100 more weeks to go been doing this since first part of 2016 and should be off by December 2022. Been a long go but I did it slow. I just wish I could stop it today but I vowed I would do this the correct way and staying with it till the end.
And the victory won!!!! I had not the first issue. The administrators are knowledgeable and won’t steer you wrong. RIP Toni Sammie. She started me in this trip and all the administrators were able to step up to the plate. I used the phrase “God didn’t build Rome in a day” knowing it would be a long road ahead and I know if I can do it so can anyone else. You just can’t toss in your hands up in the air and toss in the towel. C*a had control of my life and I made the best decision to never let it control me again. So my piece of advice. Hang in there. You have this and yes my life is so much better. I do have to deal with Fibromyalgia more again; but, the Fibromyalgia devil is better than the C*y*a devil fir sure
I can’t believe that finally I got to the single digits. I am at 9 beads now and it was a hell of a ride so far but I have to stay positive and believe that I can make it. My sleep is very bad, insomnia is tough but I keep fighting and trust the process.
Thanks for the tremendous amount of support and help what this amazing community offers every day for us.
I just want to say thank you to everyone in this group. My mom was prescribed this drug under another name for her fibromyalgia and the doctor lied to her and told her “no” when she directly asked if it was an antidepressant. Because of this group she will not take it. We really appreciate everyone here and want to thank you for your openness. You’ve saved a life.
Hello all! It took me four years of tapering, plus one year of no Cym and I feel great! 5 years ago I went off cold turkey, and within five days I really thought I was losing it. I couldn’t stop crying and I had brain zaps, which for me feel like vertigo. That’s when I found this group. Thank goodness for the moderators and everyone here 🙂 I used the spreadsheet and slowly tapered down, sometimes stopping for months at a time. I was nervous about going off the last bead, but I did it, and I’m here to tell the tale.
I took one bead for 9 to 12 months (can’t remember how long now). The arc of the symptoms, of the year with one bead, closely matches this past year. At first, I had more symptoms, and slowly it began to get better. During the last three months, I have felt significantly better. The last three months my life has been very stressful, so I’m happy to see that symptoms have abated despite the stress.
The biggest problems have been anxiety, irritability, muscle twitching and sleep. Ironically, I took C to help with one of the physical problems I have which is severe TMJ and fibro. I had a jaw joint replacement on the left side and two orthopedic surgeries. Of course, where do I get the muscle twitching the most? My jaw. You would think my psychiatrist might’ve thought twice about giving a medication, which causes bruxism, to someone like me. I also get the twitching in my legs and I have multiple adrenaline jolts that occur as I’m about to fall asleep. Occasionally, they wake me up from a deep sleep. In the last three months, they significantly decreased and I think it’s been about six weeks since I’ve had any.
Things that have helped:
- I started talk therapy before I went off the last bead and it has really helped. My anxiety was very high during the year with one bead and the beginning of the year when I went off of Cymbalta completely. About a year ago, I started meditating. I use the insight meditation app. It’s free. I highly recommend it.
- I read Trudy Scott’s book “the anti-anxiety diet solution” and I take the supplements she suggests. The Kal brand of mag. glycinate has helped a lot.
Interesting things I’ve heard about:
There is a Harvard psychologist named Dr Chris Palmer. I heard him interviewed on the Mel Robbins podcast and he has found a correlation between a keto diet and a reduction in mental illnesses. I’ve heard many people in this group say that eating a high protein diet helps them with withdrawal symptoms.
What’s next:
I’m on three other medications. The next one to go is 1 mg of V@1ium that I take every night. It’s to help with jaw clenching. I used to take more plus X@n@ x. Every time I try to get off the last 1 mg a stressful situation occurs and my jaw gets tight. I’m planning on going off slowly by chipping bits off. It’s such a small dose, but since my experience with Cym, I feel like I should be cautious.
I wish you all good health and peace on your journey. Be patient. Your body and mind will heal
I am getting my life back
At 105 beads from 245
I can now play sport, my tingling almost vanishing
This group saved my life
Today I’m celebrating 1 yr of tapering🎉. That sure went fast!! I was nervous to get started, but followed the guidelines here, bought some tools, and got to work. Now I’m at about 10mg from 30. My symptoms have varied, but have been mild and manageable. If you’re nervous to start, just do it! Time will pass either way. You can do it!
After 6 years of tapering I’m finally down to my last ever bead. It’s been a long terrible journey with my anxiety being the absolute worst ever to the point I thought I was going to be locked up. I had support workers come out to me and had the hospital mental health team support me also. I can’t believe what this med has done to me. My anxiety is almost gone and slowly getting back to my old self. Thank you so much for all your support , without this group I couldn’t have come off this terrible med. Good luck to everyone still fighting, don’t give up,the good days get better, persevere and taper very slowly to achieve the best results. Ty. Xxx
Hit the 40s!!! 49 beads tonight 💙
2 and a 1/2 years in, about 2 years to go. So pumped!! Started at 109 beads (30 mg).
It’s taken me 2 years to go from 30mg (245 beads) to 13mg (109 beads). I still have years to go unfortunately. I can only drop 1 bead every 3 – 4 weeks so I can still function my daily life. Otherwise the side effects are debilitating.
2 years ago today I took my first steps on this journey. Trusting my doctor’s advice and on 60mg for many years, I spent two weeks on 40mg, two weeks on 20mg, then zero. Welcome to hell! I no longer knew who I was and I became desperate.
Thank goodness I found this site! The moderators talked me through re-instating and how to taper slowly. Since then I’ve gone up and down emotionally and physically. I’ve cried more tears than I thought possible, I’ve had more moods and reactions than I could imagine, and at times I’ve felt like completely giving up.
Slowly, slowly underneath it all though, I feel I’m moving forward. I have more energy, I have really good days and I can laugh again. There are times when I’m hopeful, happy and healthy.
Over the last 2 years if I’d stayed on 60 mgs, I WOULD HAVE TAKEN 44,000 MGS!! Now that I’m on 66 beads, even if I had to stay at this level for the next 2 years, (which I won’t!) I will take 4,800 mg. Just knowing this I feel better! 😃
There is no way I could have done this without the tremendous support and encouragement of the moderators. What a great team of people! Thank you and thanks and good luck to all the group members on the same journey. We’ll get there! 🌹❤️🌹
Well I’m so happy to write this post to announce that I am finally free from this poison 👏 took my last bead yesterday it’s not been an easy journey….been tapering since September 2017 from 120mg….thank you all for the encouragement guidance/support I will be forever grateful 🥰 sending love & hugs to you all ❤️
3 years free as of Feb 11!!! (2024)
After almost 5 years of tapering I took my last bead about 3 weeks ago. The first week was challenging with the brain zaps and I was tempted to just take that 1 bead again 😔 I seem to have stabilized but have not yet given myself the win. I can’t actually believe that I’m C free! When I joined this group there were around 16,000 members. [ed. As of 03/2024 38,800]
I was clueless as to how to get off C. Dr said I only needed to take it for 6 months😂. I am so grateful to the founder of this group firstly and also the admins for their guidance and definitely the members for their support. Wishing everyone love and healing 💕
I took my last pellet today. I am finally free of cymbalta! A little over 3 years of tapering. Some of my symptoms are slowly getting better, looking forward to feeling better! Thank you for all the help and encouragement.
With slow taper 1 bead every two weeks, now at 54 beads I have had no withdrawal symptoms but I’ve had terrible ones that almost took me out bc I had gone CT twice before I realized they mean it when they say don’t CT ever antidepressants! I feel though already like my brain has healed tremendously and is continuing to do so! Diet, exercise, meditation and doubled omega oils has helped my recovery no doubt!
FINISHED!! It wasn’t easy. Many times I wanted to just quit, but slow and steady wins the race. Thankful for this group. I would not have been able to get off of this poison without the guidance that was provided. So many great resources and the admins truly want to see everyone freed from this horrible drug. In the beginning, I thought I could probably taper faster than the guidelines; proved myself wrong. I was just being inpatient and it reflected in bad side effects. So I stabilized and did it the right way. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. I hated counting beads and I was at the lowest dose, but it had to be done. I wish everyone well and pray that you too will be free. Stay the course. Finish the journey. 💪🏼👊🏼🫶🏼
Took my last pill this morning! My journey has not been too bad. I am glad, though, to be free of this drug. Thanks to this group for all the help and advice!
I feel so good right now but I know I will drop one bead Sunday. That means I’ll struggle for two weeks before I feel this good again. (From 441 beads to 37 beads in approximately five years.)🙏🏽🩷🙏🏽
I’ve ‘just kept weaning, just kept weaning’ and I’m taking 70 beads now !! I have been going very slowly and got impatient and went from taking 80 beads to 70 beads. It’s been about a week but if I exercise hard, take evening primrose and maca life and fish oil, I seem to be ok. But I’m going to stick to a 2% taper until the end because I just don’t want to experience any side effects as a (not single for much longer!) mama. I’m engaged and we’re getting married in July!!! So I definitely don’t want side effects as we endeavor to ‘blend’ our kiddos!
As I taper, I notice my body beginning to ‘come back.’ My eyes aren’t nearly as dry anymore, it’s wonderful!
Hoping on here to share where I am! Man it’s a long process and I started years ago and have ever so slowly tapered, holding for longer periods as needed and as life happens. Hoping I’ll join those of you who have made it fully to the other side sooner than later! The fiance is so encouraging and proud of me :):) So that helps, too. 🙂
Hello my fellow C warriors!
So, I just wanted to pop-in and give some update.
I successfully dropped to 2 beads and I am so excited to be completely off if this poison! I have been doing mostly all right, but for the nausea and weight gain! The weight gain is driving me insane! I am almost 30 lbs heavier than my heaviest healthy weight! I am watching my food and calorie intake and try to keep active! Still the scale is only going up 🙁
Any suggestions? I am also nervous about dropping to 1 bead. I have been holding at 2 for about 2 weeks!
[Ed. Losing weight gained typically starts after completing the taper, once your brain restores more normal function.]
So ok, I’ve been taping off for about a year or so. I haven’t had any symptoms and I even once missed a dose and didn’t notice. Which is good.
Down to 10 beads . Yayyyy
Hey guys, just wanted to post a positive post taper experience since seeing them while withdrawing always helped me. It’s been just about a year after my last dose and so far I’ve been able to get hired for a full time position that I love and I’m getting my life back in order. I was just able to get a car and I’m feeling like myself again. I still have some waves here and there but they’ve been short and manageable when they’ve shown up. I don’t think I would’ve been able to do it without having this group to scroll through when things got tough and the spirals got dark and felt impossible to escape. Even though I mainly lurked and didn’t really post, this group really got me through hard times. This withdrawal causes this crazy tunnel vision and the symptoms can consume and mask any visual of the light at the end of that long tunnel but it’s there. Wishing the best for everyone on their different journeys
There are tons of stories on here of successful tapering. You just have to search for them. I’m a success so far. My dr prescribed a quick 2 week taper & it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I had to spend 6 months stabilizing before I could start the taper method suggested here. I’ve been tapering for 13 months now with very little issue. This method has been a life saver and I’m now on 10mg after being on 30mg for about 17 years. If I had stayed with the Dr prescribed method I would likely have been completely debilitated for years. Probably would have been bed ridden & out of work. The slow method I’ve had little issue with and have continued on with my life as usual. Whatever you do, do not go cold turkey or a quick taper. It’s not worth destroying your life for. Time will pass either way. You might as well pass the time healthy and safely. Best of luck to you
I drop 5% every 2 weeks. Sometimes I hold another week if I feel crappy. I saw something that said to rate your symptoms from 1-10. 1 being not bad at all, 10 being the worst. If you’re feeling between 1&3 then it’s ok to taper down another 5%. So even if I am feeling a little withdrawal I’ll still drop. Then I’ll usually have to hold the next taper another week or so. I’m trying to stick to the schedule and I give myself grace when my body or mind feels like crap. Hang in there.
Hello warriors. It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I’ve spent the last 10 years tapering off medications. I started with Lyr, then Cym, Morph, Xan, and I’m halfway off Flex now. I took breaks in between each taper. My life changed drastically after I had tapered off Cym. It was the medication that was causing most of the problems for me. I’m taking another break right now because my children are having a 65th birthday party for me in June and I’m getting married, so I will be moving. It will be a busy month, but I’m excited about life again. I can do everything I could do before Cym, a bit slower of course because I’m more than 15 years older and almost a senior citizen now lol If someone would’ve told me 10 years ago that I would be off these medications and healthy again I would never have believed them. But as I always say now, ‘There is life after Cym!’ And love ❤️ Here is a picture of my fiancé and I the day we got engaged. We’ve been together over 10 years now so he’s been with me through it all. He’s a keeper.
Hello everyone. I’m a old member and my taper has been going very well . Slow and steady , around 4 years so far . I am at 10 beads now . Nothing really crazy , some fatigue, a little insomnia. I really haven’t had much to complain about .
I want to thank everyone for all the information you share as I read avidly and feel incredibly informed and motivated by all of your stories and encouragement. I have been slow tapering from 30 mg for about a year and am currently at 53 beads of my 20 mg rx. There have been a few drops where I held for three to five weeks, but for the last several months I have been feeling amazing and dropping 5% every two weeks. As I read through all of these posts, I am worried that it will all come crashing down and withdrawal symptoms will emerge. I guess I’m just looking for some support that it is ok to trust the taper and the two week timeline if there are not symptoms of withdrawal. Thank you
I started my tapering a week ago. The only symptom is that I have a lot of dreams.
I am going down from 30mg my first 5%.
Hi I’m new to the FB group but not to the CHW site where I learned about the slow taper method. Down to 25beads and hanging on for dear life at times. Is anyone else on other “meds” as well as C? I’m on 2 and plan on getting off of each with the slow taper once I’m off of this. I’m VERY fortunate to have a Dr who is 100% on board with me getting off of this stuff and fully supports the slow taper method, she actually said “they don’t educate us enough about getting patients off of this stuff” I was floored and grateful for her honesty. Thankful to have found you all.
My doctor looked at me like I was crazy 6 months ago when I said I was doing this. At my recent visit she was very supportive. Seemed like she did some homework.
My doctor was in disbelief that people needed that long to taper off, but she didn’t laugh. We’ve had some pretty heated arguments too, but she’s a good doctor and recently told me she no longer orders C. I doubt it’s just me, tho, she’s probably done her homework. She still thinks I’m not capable of counting beads. I was mixing and giving meds before she was in diapers.
Dear c h w group – I am happy to report that I am 13 months off of “C”. Best decision I ever made, never going back. I got insomnia while on it and have had to go on to sleep aids to combat it still. Evil poison, how can anybody with any degrees possibly prescribe this? Happy journey to all still trying to get off of it, you can do it!!
I dropped 1 bead today!!! I’ve been on 50 beads for a whole year. I’m finally in the 40’s! I’m the snail in this group.
Dear Friends, I just wanted to mark the milestone I have reached today…I am officially now at 30mg, having tapered for one year down from 60mg. I know the second half of this taper will take longer and potentially be a bit rougher, but I feel so so proud of myself for getting to this point. Thank you to every single person who has ever commented and to every moderator on here. We can all do this. Sending strength and hope to All.
Hello all,
I just wanted to announce that I am finally on one bead ! What a feeling!! I know I am not done yet, but it’s been over 2 years since I’ve been put on C, and the side effects were insane!!
Thank you Maria Pastoor for encouraging me to drop. I am on day 2 at one bead and no withdrawal symptoms ! I still feel the fatigue and the brain fog but nothing debilitating !!
Can’t wait to get off of this poison !!
Wishing you all the best in your tapering and recovery ! Sending positive thoughts and a big thank you to the amazing admins !
I’m dropping another bead today!! The past 3 weeks have been uneventful since I dropped 1 bead after holding for a year. Hopefully I’ll be able to continue to drop every 3 weeks now.
The snail 🐌 is on the move.
Just to say… you know, I am really pleased with my little ol’ self.
After many years of not tolerating even the slightest, tiniest drop ( I do the weighing method), I have started to be ok with dropping 0.001mg. Three times in the last four and a half months and more over a long period at that measurement. It probably seems tiny to most, but I am not even noticing it. So after years and years at 60mg, coming down, reinstating ( successfully), I am now close to 40mg, comfortably. Keep going, slowly. Every tiny drop means that there is less of this poison in your body. ❤
I was counting and making my last few weeks of C ever ! When I got down to the capsules I put one bead in, I looked at that bead with great joy and pride in my heart that I finally have made my last doses. I looked at that tiny bead in absolute amazement, how in the world are beads so small, so powerful ? If I hadn’t been there and done that, lived through symptoms that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, I would argue that, that one bead wouldn’t even matter, even 2 of em or 3 of em. It’s mind blowing still, but I respect that one little bead for the power it holds, and continue to pray this medicine gets pulled off shelves everywhere one day.
Well I’m still tapering but starting to have complete reconnected moments, only started happening as I decreased Cymb.
Gained 80 lbs. when I was on C, lost 70 last part of tapering and after. Took 5 years to taper.
Below 100 wow
So far 18 month managed to get to 99 today vs 245 beads
Need encouragement for the next year
Again thanks to the amazing group without them i would have lost my life