
What can go right – or wrong – in the gut.

Links for research

 (Links within post)

Serotonin maintains mood balance. 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut. As a result, the gut is often referred to as the ‘second brain’. As they say, “My gut reaction is …”

Many people are unable to eat or drink certain products because they cause obvious physical reactions.  Please make the mental jump and see that physical and mental reactions are very closely linked

If you are suffering low mood, depression or indeed any mental health problem, however extreme, think nutrition and supplements.  NOT antidepressants!

It is increasingly clear that how well we eat is directly linked to how well we feel.  Allergy and intolerance can cause a whole range of problems: fatigue, confusion and brain fog, anxiety, depression, irritability, agitation, anger, aggression, nervousness, hyperactivity and even schizophrenia and some learning disabilities.

Ironically, the problem food is often a favorite.  (Pizza, anyone?  Another latte?)

What can go right – or wrong – in the gut.

Patients with mental health problems, in particular the more extreme, tend to be seriously short of certain nutrients. Supplements can solve the problem.  In particular, amino acids help with depression and similar problems.

Trillions of microbes live in our intestines.  Live bacteria can make a huge positive difference to the emotional and mental state of people suffering from depression.  Yoga instructors may tell you that the twisting poses they teach are particularly good for removing toxins – which has a similar effect.

Healthy gut bacteria make it easier to burn carbs as energy, not store them as fat. That reduces the risk of obesity and type II diabetes. Beware of antibiotics which often kill the good bacteria alongside the bad.

However, gluten intolerance has been shown to have a potentially massive effect on the brain. If we are given anti- to solve our mental problems, yet continue to ingest gluten, imagine the confusion for the poor brain and body! Well over half the body’s immune tissue is found there, so clearly the gut is central to immune responses and inflammation.  With leaky gut (another syndrome unrecognised by many specialists) the wall of the intestine can be damaged. This may be caused by gluten.

Probiotics will boost healthy bacteria. Glutamine can repair damage. Omega-3 will help with inflammation (and the brain).  Prebiotics feed the healthy bacteria in the gut.  Do the research. Find out what might help you.

Depleted nutrients as a result of taking drugs for mental “health”

Coenzyme Q10MagnesiumMelatoninVitamin B2Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12 may be supplied by one product … or a different one … or none at all, in your case.

Do your own research.  It is your brain, your body, your life. Your money. What works for friends and family may not work for you.  Make yourself an expert on your own condition.

Links for research: heal the gut, heal the brain. Our mental health starts in the gut. Convinced?  Do something about it.

Here is just a selection of media to consider. Each one will offer you many more links! If you are suffering from something very specific, or have particular health or lifestyle problems, make your search very specific too. 

(As with other long lists of links, I don’t know how we want to present them.)

Natural Treatment for Bipolar disorder:

Understanding Nutrition, Depression and Mental Illness:

5 Reasons Why Gut Health Is Crucial To Whole Body Wellness

Antidepressants Kill Bacteria:

7 Important Nutrients Depleted by Psychiatric Drugs:

The role of nutrition in mental health:

The Surprising Link Between Gut Bacteria And Anxiety:

What if… Nutrition Could Treat Mental Illness:

Nutritional Psychiatry: Your Brain on Food:

Advanced Nutrient Therapy:–nutrition.html

Gut Feelings: How your belly affects your moods:

Beans, Greens and the Best Foods for the Brain:

Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood?

The Brain on Fire: Inflammation and Depression:

The Gut-Brain Connection, Mental Illness and Disease:

David Perlmutter – Gut/brain health

5 Signs A Hidden Food Sensitivity Is Sabotaging Your Health:

Could Too Many Refined Carbs Make You Depressed?

10 Nutritional Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Mood Disorders:

It does no good to take synthetic Vitamin D without K according to some experts:

A certain probiotic lactobacillus helveticus strain can help with depression:

9 nutrient deficiencies that can cause depression:
