A chronic pain diet
Cymbalta and duloxetine are commonly prescribed for neurological pain management. We suggest there are better ways to reduce or eliminate pain that are diet-based. Consider the options presented in this post…
Research into antidepressants
This researcher was prescribed antidepressants way back in 1996.
How to manage depression
A personal account of how win the battle.
Side effects of Cymbalta/duloxetine
The number of accepted side effects is shocking. Be aware.
Greeting from Toni Samanie, CHW Founder
Toni founded Cymbalta Hurts Worse. Most of the original material on this site came from that group.
FAQ and Definitions
An ever-growing collection of terminology and tapering questions.
For Family and Friends
To prepare you and yours for what may likely happen if you stop cold turkey or very quickly.
Good Nutrition
Give serious thought to what you eat and drink.
How to be Happy
So many things to try! Just one might change your life for the better.
Insomnia and How To Manage It
So many things to try: never give up in the struggle to sleep well.
Considering an Antidepressant?
Explaining why antidepressants are not to be considered.
Weight Gain From Psychotropic Drugs
Explaining why antidepressants cause weight gain.
Waves, Windows, Withdrawal Symptoms
Antidepressant withdrawal may well progress in cycles.
Specialist and Group Support
Remember: there is support for us all on this journey.
Supplements and Foods To Avoid
Drugs may interact
badly with other drugs, food and drink, causing a wide range of side effects.
Pregnancy and Cymbalta/duloxetine
What to consider if you find you are pregnant or want to become pregnant while taking the drug.
Medical Testing and Thyroid Issues
Which tests to consider when seeking the cause of a mood disorder.
Withdrawal symptoms: Manage them
Withdrawal symptoms you may experience as you taper off the drug and how to combat them.
Lost Your Medical Insurance?
How to manage if you no longer have access to essential drugs.
Depression Begins In Your Gut
Understanding the link between what we eat and how we feel.